Laura Martínez Maestro

Director of the SRUK/CERU Radio Team

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

I obtained a Masters degree in Photonics from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in 2010 and defended my PhD thesis, entitle, Quantum dots as luminescent nanothermometers: controlled plasmonic hyperthermia” In March 2015. In September 2015 I joined Herz and Johnston groups at the Condensed Matter Physics Department in the University of Oxford as a postdoctoral research assistant focusing my studies on the microluminescence of semiconductor nanowires systems. In August 2018 I moved to Crowe’s group at the University of Manchester to work as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the OCT on a chip EPRSC funded project where I stayed until I got a position as Lecturer in Physics at the School of Computing, Science and Engineering at the University of Salford at the end of 2019. In September 2020 I started my position as Profesora Ayudante Doctora in Optics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where you can find me nowadays.

I became a member of SRUK/CERU in October 2015 and joined the Online Department as Oxford Regional Community Manager in December 2015 and the Press Department as Regional Press Officer in March 2016. From September 2017 I became the SRUK blog co-editor and from June 2018 until June 2020 I was the director of the SRUK/CERU Press Department. It was then when I started being the Co-director of SRUK/CERU radio initiative.

Contributions by Laura Martínez Maestro