Outreach and Public Engagement Department

The Outreach and Public Engagement department aims to bridge the gap between researchers and the general public by promoting science literacy, fostering interest in research, and creating opportunities for meaningful interactions between researchers and the public.

This recently established department at SRUK/CERU explores new ways of conducting outreach efforts for the Science-me a Story, Cancer, and ‘Investigación En Foco’ committees. These committees employ distinct approaches to convey research in a multidisciplinary fashion to diverse audiences, including children, adults, researchers, and the general public.


Our primary goals include:

  • Research Communication
  • Promoting Research Education
  • Inspiring Interest in STEM Careers
  • Patient and Public involvement in research

Current Team Members

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Alba Fernández Sanlés

Head of the Outreach Department
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José Luis Marín-Rubio

Ex-Head of the Outreach Department
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Berta Gallego Páramo

Member of the working group of the London Constituency | Member of the Outreach Department | Design Committee member
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Cristina Delgado

Member of the Outreach Department
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Sara González Antón

Volunteer in the Department of Outreach and Public Engagement
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Laura Sanjurjo Lourés

Volunteer in the Department of Outreach and Public Engagement (working group for Science-me a story)
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Isabel Murillo

Collaborator with the Science-me a Story Team | Chair of the working group for educational units
Outreach and Public Engagement Department

Pilar Acedo

Chair of the Cancer Committee
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Ana Luisa Gil

Chair of the Neuroscience Committee
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Laura Martínez Maestro

Director of the SRUK/CERU Radio Team
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Sandra Álvarez Carretero

SRUK/CERU Web Manager | Co-chair of the Evolution Committee (FM) | Co-editor-in-chief of the SRUK/CERU Blog | Former director of the Press Department
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Margarita Segovia Roldán

Co-editor-in-chief of the SRUK/CERU Blog
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María Camacho Encina

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental
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Alex Arrese-Igor

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental
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María del Carmen Garcia de Soria

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental
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Francisco Martín-Martínez

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental

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