SRUK/CERU Radio team

“En Fase Experimental” is a radio podcast produced by the SRUK Radio Team at the Press Department of SRUK/CERU.

It includes the latest scientific news, future SRUK/CERU events and interviews with Spanish researchers, serving as the perfect platform to reach and inspire the general public. The content of the podcast is generated in Spanish.

Our team is always looking for new ideas, approaches and profiles for the podcasts. Feel free to contact us!

Current Team Members

Our Departments

Alex Arrese-Igor Royuela

Team member of the SRUK/CERU "En Fase Experimental" podcast.
Our Departments

Francisco Martín-Martínez

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental
Our Departments

María del Carmen Garcia de Soria

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental
Our Departments

Alex Arrese-Igor

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental
Our Departments

María Camacho Encina

Co-presenter En Fase Experimental
Our Committees

Carlos Bricio

Editor of "En Fase Experimental" at SRUK Radio
Our Departments

Laura Martínez Maestro

Director of the SRUK/CERU Radio Team

Latest News & Articles 

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More about the SRUK/CERU podcast "En Fase Experimental"

Our team is now formed by co-directors and co-presenters Laura Martínez Maestro and David Ruiz Izuriaga!