Our Sponsors
Main Supporters
The Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) thanks our main sponsors for their continued support and their kind contribution to our community.
The Ramón Areces Foundation is our principal and unconditional sponsor. This Foundation has strongly supported SRUK/CERU since our very beginning. Thanks to them, we are able to offer a whole range of activities and initiatives year after year. From its creation in 1976, the Ramón Areces Foundation aims to support scientific development through the promotion of research activities, knowledge exchange, and the contribution to the generation of personal capital. This institution also supports novel training opportunities for young researchers and promotes the exchange of ideas in Science, Education, and Culture. Every year, they sponsor our annual programme of activities (with scientific seminars, outreach activities, and professional development workshops all over the country), and our annual International Symposium SRUK/CERU. Moreover, this Foundation sponsors the event ‘CienciaUK’, a day-long event focused on career development and opportunities in the UK inside and outside academia, hosted in their headquarters in Madrid. This Foundation has also maintained its commitment to promote scientific events focused on key areas of research with big potential for collaborations between Spain and the UK, such as research in oncology. SRUK/CERU is also very thankful to the Foundation for its continuous support to RAICEX, the network of societies of Spanish Researchers abroad.
Banco Santander Foundation is the sponsor of the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award. This Foundation is committed to supporting cultural, humanistic, social projects, and scientific initiatives. Their support to Science focuses on the promotion of three aims: the development of projects in the most innovative research fields, the organisation of Science outreach activities, and the commitment to foster the career development of young talents via the concession of grants and funding programmes. SRUK/CERU is delighted to have received the support of Banco Santander Foundation since 2016, thanks to which it can continue offering this annual award. With this award, SRUK/CERU wants to recognise the work of a young Spanish researcher who has developed their career in the UK and give visibility to the work done by Spanish researchers in the UK.
The Spanish Embassy of Spain in the UK was the first Embassy to formally perform Science Diplomacy by including this competence in its Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairs (OCSA). This Office promotes stronger links between Spanish and British scientific institutions, and SRUK/CERU has counted with the collaboration of OCSA from its very beginning. Their continuous support allows SRUK/CERU to develop a broad range of activities and initiatives in order to make our Society a reference in foreign scientific associations in the UK, including our annual International Symposium SRUK/CERU. This institutional collaboration has also been crucial to reach both Spanish and British institutions and to promote SRUK/CERU activities in the UK. Regarding Brexit, the collaboration of the Spanish Embassy has been paramount to maintain SRUK/CERU members informed of new developments on this topic, including the application for settled status and our rights as European citizens in the UK.
Created in 2001, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) is a public foundation dependent on the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities. FECYT’s mission is to enhance the link between science and society, and to promote open and inclusive science as well as scientific culture and education. In this context, FECYT collaborates with the different Societies of Spanish Researchers abroad, including SRUK/CERU. As part of this collaboration, FECYT has participated in the organisation of SRUK/CERU outreach activities and events since 2012, including the annual International Symposium SRUK/CERY. FECYT also supports the annual meeting that gathers the different societies of Spanish Researchers abroad (RAICEX) with the Spanish network of science, technology, and innovation diplomacy.
Since 2001, the Lilly Foundation’s main aim has been to contribute to excellence in Science and Medicine in Spain. They achieve this through activities focused on the promotion of Science, Medicine, and Humanistic Medicine. In their framework of commitment to outreach and communicating Science, the Lilly Foundation supports our SRUK/CERU programme “DIVULGA”. This outreach initiative focuses on the promotion of research vocations in children. In that way, the program DIVULGA decontextualizes the knowledge acquisition and involves adults in the organised activities to potentiate their impact. The program builds on two activities: “Science-me a Story”, a contest for the best children stories based on Science written in either English or Spanish which keeps growing and consolidating every year, and the “Science Zone” initiative as part of our annual International Symposium SRUK/CERU.
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Partners and Collaborators
SRUK/CERU has established partnerships or co-operation agreements with the following Institutions, Foundations, Research Centres, or Researcher associations.
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