Science Communication
What scientific communication activities do we organise?
En Fase Experimental
We communicate the latest developments in science and technology on our podcast En Fase Experimental.
SRUK/CERU Blog “1, 2, 3… Explore!”
SRUK/CERU researchers go public in our SRUK/CERU Blog “1,2,3…Explore!”
Instagram Committee
This committee is responsible for managing the SRUK/CERU profile on Instagram, with the aim of creating a more personal relationship with our members and followers online!
“La Cresta de la Onda” – Collaboration with RAICEX
Do you want to take part in #Científic@sEnLaOnda as part of the Radio programme “En la Cresta de la Onda” (Radio Exterior de RNE)? If so, click the button below to fill out the required form and you shall be contacted for next episodes!
Amplify your research!
Are you an SRUK/CERU Member who has had your latest research article accepted for publication? Have you already drafted a press release and you would you like to increase your media visibility? Would you like to be featured as our next Research Highlight?
Press the button below to learn what SRUK/CERU can do for you!
Science, Art & Literature
How do we use art and literature to bring science closer to everyone?
Science-me a Story
Our scientific stories for children competition aims to promote the use of short stories and tales as a tool to communicate science.
Design Committee
By blending science and art, our Design Committee brings light and colour to our initiatives and social media communications.
‘En Foco’ Committee
‘Investigación En Foco‘ is the first SRUK/CERU photography contest for all the SRUK/CERU members and Friends with the aim to share our daily research through images.
Inktober with a scientific twist
Collaborative science outreach challenge based on Inktober with a scientific twist!
Thematic Committees
How do we keep researchers in specialised areas engaged within their field?
Cancer Committee
The SRUK/CERU Cancer Committee promotes a European network of young researchers in the field of cancer.
Neuroscience Committee
The SRUK/CERU Neuroscience Committee Committee offers a great opportunity to gather Spanish researchers in the UK working in the field of Neuroscience.
Language Policy Committee
The SRUK/CERU Language Policy Committee works closely with SRUK/CERU Constituencies and Departments to support the use of Spanish in the field of scientific communication among members through training events, seminars, talks, publications, and strategies for scientific communication and outreach in Spanish.