Language Policy Committee

The goal of this committee is to design and propose a number of linguistic policies and events in relation to the promotion of multilingualism as part of the association’s communications and activities, but also in the programming of events and interactions between members in order to encourage, alongside the use of English, the use of Spanish and the rest of the co-official languages of Spain.

If you want to know more about what we do at the Language Policy Committee Committee, suggest organising an activity with our commitee, or you would like to join our team, please contact us at [email protected].

Current Team Members

Our Departments

Roser López Cruz

Co-director of the Communication and Online Department | Member of the Language Policy Committee
Language Policy Committee

Iria González-Becerra

Member of the Language Policy Committee
Our Departments

Carlos Soler Montes

Vice-president of SRUK/CERU | Chair of the Language Policy Committee

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The Language Policy Committee works closely with SRUK/CERU Constituencies and Departments to support the use of Spanish in the field of scientific communication among members through training events, seminars, talks, publications, and strategies for scientific communication and outreach in Spanish. We also aim to raise awareness among the SRUK/CERU scientific community about different aspects related to the use of a fair, clear, and accessible language, as well as explore the intersection between language and science.