SRUK Online

SRUK/CERU celebrates its XI International Symposium in Newcastle

Newcastle upon Tyne, 21st of June 2024. The Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) hosted its XI International Symposium this weekend. The event took place at Frederick Douglass Building at Newcastle University, a building named after a 19th century reformer born into slavery on a plantation in Talbot County, (Maryland, USA) who became one SRUK/CERU celebrates its XI International Symposium in Newcastle

The EU-funded project CONNECTS-UK gathers European researchers in the UK in Coventry University

Summary: Today, the EU co-funded project CONNECTS-UK celebrated its first event since the project launch at Coventry University. This event gathered more than 100 researchers and served to give visibility, among specialists and a broad audience, to the research carried out by European researchers in the UK and to enhance the relationships between EU diasporas in the UK. Aleksandra The EU-funded project CONNECTS-UK gathers European researchers in the UK in Coventry University

Prof Sonia Contera is the awardee of the 2024 SRUK/CERU Merit Award

The Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) is pleased to announce that Sonia Contera, Professor of Biological Physics at the University of Oxford, is the winner of the SRUK/CERU Merit Award 2024 for her pioneering and exceptional international career in the fields of nanotechnology and biological physics, developing nanoscale tools for biological Prof Sonia Contera is the awardee of the 2024 SRUK/CERU Merit Award

The 2024 SRUK/CERU BREXIT survey results

La Región Internacional, Europe Street, El Norte de Castilla, Diario Sur,, yahoo! noticias, Qué Pasa, infobae, El Diario Vasco, El Correo, El Diario Montañés, El Comercio, La Verdad

The 2024 SRUK/CERU BREXIT survey results

– 2024 SRUK/CERU Brexit Survey Released on Europe Day: The Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU) has released its seventh Brexit Survey, with the publication date coinciding with Europe Day, emphasising the ongoing impact of Brexit on EU-UK scientific collaborations.– Significant Impact of Brexit on Spanish Researchers: The survey indicates that 80% of The 2024 SRUK/CERU BREXIT survey results

Connects-UK launches to foster scientific collaborations between EU and UK researchers in a post-Brexit era

ScienceX, University of Oxford

SRUK/CERU celebrates the 2024 Brain Awareness Week

Bristol, 16th March, 2024. Led by its newly established Neuroscience Committee, the Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) has put forward an attractive program which will take place in Bristol on March 15th and 16th in the context of the 2024 Brain Awareness Week. This initiative has received generous support and sponsorship SRUK/CERU celebrates the 2024 Brain Awareness Week

Breaking stereotypes and creating role models

Imperial Blog

I SRUK/CERU Science Communication Symposium

Actualidad-La Rioja, rioja2, nuevecuatrouno, Actualidad-La Rioja

The European Commission awards CONNECTS-UK more than half a million euros spurring scientific collaboration between EU and the UK

La Vanguardia,

CONNECTS-UK secures over €500,000 in funding from the European Commission for a pioneering pan-European platform for advancing scientific collaborations in the post-Brexit era

London, 11th of December 2023. In a historic move, the European Commission has granted CONNECTS-UK an impressive funding of over half a million Euros, marking a significant milestone in fostering scientific collaborations between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) post-Brexit and after the association of the UK to Horizon Europe. This ambitious CONNECTS-UK secures over €500,000 in funding from the European Commission for a pioneering pan-European platform for advancing scientific collaborations in the post-Brexit era


Spanish Chamber of Commerce

Dr Roser Vento-Tormo receives the 2023 SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent award

London, 9th October 2023. This Monday, the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award ceremony took place at the Spanish Embassy in London, recognising the outstanding contributions to research of Dr Roser Vento-Tormo, winner of the 2023 edition. The SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award, which celebrates its 8th edition this year, is part of the collaboration between the Society Dr Roser Vento-Tormo receives the 2023 SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent award

SRUK/CERU in CRUK’s and AECC’s round table for the World Cancer Research Day

El País, La Tribuna de Ciudad Real , El Día de La Rioja, Diario de Burgos

Cuaderno De Bitácora – Diciembre 2022  

CERU SE REÚNE CON AGENTES DE LA GESTIÓN I+D+i EN ESPAÑA Durante los días 20 y 21 de diciembre de 2022 se celebró en Madrid la VII Reunión de Diplomacia Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación Española y de la Red de Asociaciones de Científicos e Investigadores Españoles en el Exterior (RAICEX), de la que CERU Cuaderno De Bitácora – Diciembre 2022  

Cuaderno De Bitácora – Diciembre 2021

SRUK/CERU SE REÚNE CON AGENTES DE LA GESTIÓN I+D+i EN ESPAÑA, 2021 Durante los días 16 y 17 de diciembre de 2021 se celebró en Madrid la VI Reunión de Diplomacia Científica, Tecnológica y de Innovación Española y de la Red de Asociaciones de Científicos e Investigadores Españoles en el Exterior (RAICEX), de la que Cuaderno De Bitácora – Diciembre 2021

Prueba de Online

Prueba 2


After our first edition of the Investigación En Foco photography competition, we are delighted to announce an open call for the second edition. It is open from the 6th of April to the 15th of June of 2021. This competition aims to reinforce the need and beauty of our daily research in all fields through INVESTIGACIÓN EN FOCO – II SRUK/CERU PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION

Pregnancy – time to think outside the box: normal is a spectrum!

Pregnancy, a unique and special time in women’s life. Elisabeth Hasselbeck described pregnancy as “the most beautiful and significant life-altering event with motherhood in her experience” and Beyoncé commented that “the most powerful creation is to have life growing inside of you. There is no bigger gift”. Indeed, pregnancy is a miraculous event – but, Pregnancy – time to think outside the box: normal is a spectrum!

Intestinal glycocalyx barrier against bacteria is developed during infancy

Do you know that the infancy is a critical time during which we develop most of our defense mechanisms in the gut? Recently, we have discovered something else: during this period of time, the MUC17-based glycocalyx, one of the major protective barriers in the intestine, is developed! The intestine is home to trillions of microorganisms, Intestinal glycocalyx barrier against bacteria is developed during infancy

Hundreds of scientists are preparing for business management thanks to Fundación Santander


Los científicos españoles en Reino Unido presentan sus recomendaciones para una ciencia más abierta

Content available only in Spanish La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido (CERU) publica sus recomendaciones para que España avance hacia la ciencia abierta. Esta publicación recoge y amplía parte de las propuestas expuestas en el informe Por Un País Innovador elaborado por el departamento de Política Científica de CERU. Proponen, entre otros, promover Los científicos españoles en Reino Unido presentan sus recomendaciones para una ciencia más abierta

La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido y Fundación Banco Santander presentan la sexta edición del Premio Talento Emergente CERU

Content only available in Spanish Este año se presenta la sexta edición del Premio Talento Emergente, galardón que reconoce la trayectoria profesional de un joven investigador español trabajando en Reino Unido. Esta iniciativa de Fundación Banco Santander y CERU tiene como objetivo apoyar al talento y fomentar el compromiso de instituciones y empresas con la La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido y Fundación Banco Santander presentan la sexta edición del Premio Talento Emergente CERU

Presentation of the SRUK sixth edition of the Emerging Talent Award 2021

Blog: Cervantes Institute London