The North West constituency was officially established in January 2015 and currently has more than 30 members. Most of its members live in Manchester and Liverpool, but there are also members in other cities of North West England (Preston, Burscough, Lancaster) and North Wales (Bangor).
The working group is made up of members of the constituency, who voluntarily propose and organise scientific, outreach and social events in the North West area of UK.
Every year, to welcome the newly arrived researchers, the constituency organises a Welcome Party in autumn, don’t miss it! In addition, the constituency organises Scientific seminars (Graphene 2015, Tiny Science 2017, Climate Change and Sustainability 2018, Neuroscience 2019) where world-leading researchers (both Spanish and English) participate. The constituency also works on building bridges between researchers and general public, organising scientific outreach events, such as the popular Pint of Knowledge, CineScience and Scientific Tour, as well as participating in the organising committees of Science-me a Story and Investigación en Foco (research photography) contests.
For more information about our activities, you can join our Facebook group (SRUK/CERU NorthWest), follow us on Twitter (@ComunidadCeru, #SRUKCERUNorthWest) or email us at [email protected].