Laura Bravo Merodio

Co-director of the Communication and Online Department

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

I am a postdoc in the Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Previously, I studied clinical bioinformatics under a program in Mechanisms of Inflammatory Diseases (MIDAS) and have been collaborating with CERU for the past 3 years. In this time, I have come to see the great impact this organization has, experiencing firsthand the work and compromise of all volunteers and participants. In this last year we have built a small community of scientists and friends, solidifying our presence in Birmingham through the organization of events and workshops. For the future, the objective is to extend this presence to other areas of the Midlands whilst continuing to offer high quality projects. Our key aim is to ensure members take advantage of all the possibilities SRUK offers both personally and professionally, hopefully enriching our stay in the UK with activities outside of our day to day research and enabling the learning and growing in different areas and skill sets.