Carmen Sánchez Cañizares

Co-chair of the Environment Committee (FM) | Former director of Institutional Relations | Former SRUK/CERU President | Member of the Science Policy Department

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

I completed my degree on Agricultural Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain, in 2006, doing my fourth year in the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium as part of the ERASMUS program. After this, I did my Master in Plant and Forest Biotechnology (2007), followed by a PhD in Biotechnology and Genetic Resources of
Plants and Associated Microorganisms in the Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Genomics (CBGP), Madrid, Spain (2013). During my PhD I did an internship in the Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA. In October 2013, I joined Phil Poole’s lab as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, where I am currently working. I have also been appointed as a non-stipendiary lecturer in Biological Sciences by The Queen’s College in 2016.

As a microbiologist, the main focus of my research is a process called Biological Nitrogen Fixation, undertaken by soil bacteria as a way to provide nitrogen to legume plants, which is the basis of crop rotation worldwide. I became a member of CERU in December 2014, being part of the Working Group of the Oxford Constituency since it was established and becoming Vice-Director in December 2015 and director in December 2017.