Science-me a Story – Results announcement


Results of the "Science me a story" competition

On March 15th, the North West constituency of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU) started Science me a story, our very first contest of short scientific stories for children. This initiative, sponsored by the Lilly Foundation, has aimed to promote the use of short stories as a tool to communicate science for children.

After recieving the fantastic submissions from all the participants and the hard work of our juries, we are pleased to announce the winners of the contest:

Stories in English

  • First prize: “Normal Jenny” by Anthony Lewis (@AntDLewis)
  • Second prize: “The Banyan Tree” by Eleanor Palmer
  • Third prize: “A Reef to Call Home” by Asiem Sanyal

Stories in Spanish

  • First prize: “María y el Códice perdido” by Ester Martí Sentañes (@estermarti21)
  • Second prize: “Una hermana para la célula Celia” by Ana Isabel Rodríguez Rodríguez (@rguezana13)
  • Third prizes: “Se caen las estrellas” by Consuelo Cid Tortuero (@consuelocid) and “¡Hola Señora E. Coli!” by Isabel Murillo Cabeza

Congratulations to all the winners!

And special thanks to our juries who have made possible this contest:

Izzie Clarke, physicist, science radio presenter and producer for The Naked Scientists.
Greg Lynall, chair of the British Society for Literature & Science and co-director of the Literature and Science Hub at the University of Liverpool.
Eva Amsen, PhD, writer and science communicator, focused on the common ground between science and the arts.
David A. Kirby, PhD, senior lecturer in Science Communication Studies and programme director for MSc in Science Communication, University of Manchester.
Javier Feijoo, graduate in Spanish Language and teacher. He is working on his PhD dissertation about Spanish writer Ramiro Pinilla.
Pablo Barrecheguren, PhD in Neuroscience. Scientific communicator in the channels Neurocosas and Soycientific, and writer of the novel “Medianoche sobre las ruinas”.
– Enrique Royuela, PhD in Microbiology, Genetics y Physiology. Co-founder, director and editor of PRINCIPIA Magazine y PRINCIPIA Kids.
Camila Monasterio, PhD in Animal Biology and co-founder of the cooperative Biodiversia and of Un cuento propio.

The awarded stories will be published in the PRINCIPIA Magazine web for the Spanish category, and in the University of Liverpool Literature and Science Hub for the English category.

The award ceremony will take place on the 6th of October at the Instituto Cervantes in Manchester.

You can keep following all the latest news and announcements about the contest in our social media and Twitter #SRUKStories.