From our committee, Wom=n in Science, we are aware that women have to face different challenges in their career in Science. In ocassions these challenges are forcing women to leave their careers or to promote at much slower pace than the male-peers.
Talks and open dialogues
We are organising talks where invited speakers will discuss a topic through their own experience. They will provide tips that have worked for them. There will be an opportunity to have an open dialogue with them for you to ask them any questions.
We want to create a safe place where speakers and the public can have an open dialogue. Sometimes we don’t know how to take the next action or what is the best way for us. We just need that someone listen to us. This is your place!
Please contact us if you have any topic that you want to discuss.
We will listen to you, we will support you!
We want to help you find your strategies and your allies.
All our talks will be in English and they are open to everyone. They will not be recorded.
Currently, we are organising:
Promoting Women in STEM
In our committee, we want to give visibility to women scientists. Therefore, we have prioritised that our speakers are female scientists in order to listen their voice.
A project that we want to start next year is to give a series of talks by women who work in fields where the women representation is low, such as robotics or physics.
Please contact us if you work in a field where you consider that women are underrepresented.
To the visibility for the general population, our committee is very active in organising talks in schools. When the new generations think of scientists, we want that both men and women come to mind.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February
SRUK community is extremely active today. We love the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. We go to schools and organise events to increase the visibility of female scientists.