
Valencian Claudia Román Montañana, new SRUK/CERU president

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH La Dra. Claudia Román Montañana se convierte en la nueva presidenta de la Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido (CERU) tras la unánime decisión tomada por los miembros de la Sociedad durante la Asamblea General. A lo largo del curso 2022-23, la nueva presidenta trabajará mano a mano con Valencian Claudia Román Montañana, new SRUK/CERU president

Prof Carmen Galán receives the SRUK/CERU Merit Award 2022

Prof Carmen Galán achieves recognition for her entire research career with the “Merit Award” granted by the Society of Spanish Scientists in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU). The Merit Award was delivered during the IX SRUK/CERU International Symposium, event during which Prof Carmen Galán closed by sharing a motivational talk with the attendees. This award recognises Prof Carmen Galán receives the SRUK/CERU Merit Award 2022

Groundbreaking discoveries and ideas discussed at the IX International Symposium SRUK/CERU at Oxford

The Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU) organised their IX International Symposium in Oxford, where the “Joy of Discovery” was the underlying theme used to revisit and discuss the History of Science. Renowned scientists from different research backgrounds, such as Prof Francis Mojica, Dr Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Prof Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Dr Rebecca Bowler, and Groundbreaking discoveries and ideas discussed at the IX International Symposium SRUK/CERU at Oxford

The beginning, the journey, and the future of Covid-19 discussed in Oxford by SRUK/CERU

SRUK/CERU has organised a one-day symposium in which leading experts have presented complementary perspectives about the Covid-19 crisis to a wide audience. Luis Enjuanes, Isabel Sola, Kyle Pattinson, and Jeremy Brown are some of the several experts that have shared their perspective and experience during this event. This meeting has highlighted the need for multidisciplinary The beginning, the journey, and the future of Covid-19 discussed in Oxford by SRUK/CERU

Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro receives the 2021 SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent award

Banco Santander Foundation has sponsored seven editions of the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent award, which has been granted today to the awardee of the sixth edition: Spanish researcher Dr Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro. After the 2021 award ceremony had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Ledesma Amaro has been able to receive the SRUK/CERU Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro receives the 2021 SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent award

The Spanish Society of Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU) has contributed to the “Stick to Science” campaign to ensure that the UK and Switzerland associate to Horizon Europe

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH Horizonte Europa es el programa marco de investigación e innovación de la Unión Europea para el período 2021-2027. El Reino Unido ha manifestado su deseo de adherirse. Sin embargo, en lo referente al Reino Unido, ambas partes aún no han ratificado el acuerdo debido a las negociaciones pendientes sobre otros The Spanish Society of Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU) has contributed to the “Stick to Science” campaign to ensure that the UK and Switzerland associate to Horizon Europe

The Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK and Fundación Banco Santander present the seventh edition of the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH Este año se presenta la séptima edición del Premio Talento Emergente, galardón que reconoce la trayectoria profesional de un joven investigador español que trabaja en el Reino Unido. Esta iniciativa de Fundación Banco Santander y SRUK/CERU tiene como objetivo apoyar al talento investigador y fomentar el compromiso de instituciones y empresas con The Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK and Fundación Banco Santander present the seventh edition of the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award

“Spain-UK Plant Biotechnology Forum” – how to tackle the challenges that plant biotechnology is facing this century

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH Investigadores de varias universidades y representantes de compañías biotecnológicas han estado participando en el “Foro en Biotecnología Vegetal España – Reino Unido”, evento telemático organizado por la Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en el Reino Unido (SRUK/CERU) y la Embajada de España en Londres. El Foro arrancó ayer con más de “Spain-UK Plant Biotechnology Forum” – how to tackle the challenges that plant biotechnology is facing this century

Spain seeks new approaches to ease the return of Spanish scientists to the country

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH Madrid, 16 de diciembre 2021 – España quiere mejorar las “pasarelas” por las que transitan laboralmente y durante años miles de científicos y facilitar el retorno al país de los investigadores, y el Gobierno incluirá para conseguirlo numerosas novedades en la Ley de Ciencia que se tramitará el próximo año. Spain seeks new approaches to ease the return of Spanish scientists to the country

Thousands of Spanish residents in the United Kingdom could face an irregular situation and a risk of exclusion

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH Más de una docena de organizaciones y expertos en migración advierten en un informe de las dificultades y pérdida de derechos a las que se enfrenta la ciudadanía española tras el Brexit. Londres, 22 de noviembre de 2021 – 2021 es el año en el que el Brexit pasó a Thousands of Spanish residents in the United Kingdom could face an irregular situation and a risk of exclusion

The book Science-me a story awakens scientific curiosity among children in an engaging and familiar way

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH Esta obra bilingüe, editada en inglés-español, es una recopilación única de los cuentos ganadores de las primeras ediciones del concurso de relatos científicos que lleva el mismo nombre. Según han señalado los participantes en el acto de presentación del libro, los cuentos favorecen el desarrollo de las capacidades de observación, The book Science-me a story awakens scientific curiosity among children in an engaging and familiar way

Maroto-Valer, Premio ACES- Margarita Salas, en la categoría de Física, Matemáticas e Ingeniería

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH Los Premios ACES-Margarita Salas, instituidos por la Asociación de Científicos Españoles en Suecia, reconocen la labor científica realizada por investigadores de nacionalidad española con reconocido impacto a nivel internacional. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, prestigiosa experta en sistemas energéticos y descarbonización, ha sido la galardonada con el Premios ACES-Margarita Salas en su primera Maroto-Valer, Premio ACES- Margarita Salas, en la categoría de Física, Matemáticas e Ingeniería

Madrilian physicist José Javier Burgos Mármol is the new president of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU)

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH José Javier Burgos Mármol fue elegido nuevo presidente de la Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido (CERU) tras la celebración de la Asamblea General Anual el pasado junio. El nuevo presidente, formado en Madrid, Barcelona y Manchester, y actualmente investigador en la Universidad de Liverpool, trabajará durante el próximo Madrilian physicist José Javier Burgos Mármol is the new president of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU)

Imperial College London researcher, Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro, wins the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award 2021

Banco Santander Foundation sponsors the 6th edition of the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award 2021, awarded to the Spanish researcher Dr. Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro. The research carried out by Dr. Ledesma Amaro focuses on the understanding and engineering of metabolism in industrial microorganisms and microbial communities with the aim of creating more sustainable bioproduction methods in Imperial College London researcher, Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro, wins the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award 2021

Cognitive illusions, the relationship between magic and science and the need to transfer it to the general public discussed this weekend at the Telematic Symposium of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom

CONTENT AVAILABLE ONLY IN SPANISH La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido (CERU), celebra su VIII Simposio Internacional de forma virtual con la relación entre la magia y la ciencia y la comunicación científica como protagonistas. En esta octava edición se reflexiona sobre la interdisciplinariedad de la investigación científica y cómo los investigadores deben Cognitive illusions, the relationship between magic and science and the need to transfer it to the general public discussed this weekend at the Telematic Symposium of the Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom

Esther Rodríguez achieves recognition for her entire research career with the “Merit Award” granted by the Society of Spanish Scientists in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU)

The Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) is pleased to announce the winner of the SRUK/CERU Merit Award. This award is aiming to recognise the career of an internationally renowned senior Spanish researcher based in the UK who has been instrumental to the advance of science. Candidates for this award are nominated Esther Rodríguez achieves recognition for her entire research career with the “Merit Award” granted by the Society of Spanish Scientists in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU)


After our first edition of the Investigación En Foco photography competition, we are delighted to announce an open call for the second edition. It is open from the 6th of April to the 15th of June of 2021. This competition aims to reinforce the need and beauty of our daily research in all fields through INVESTIGACIÓN EN FOCO – II SRUK/CERU PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION

Los científicos españoles en Reino Unido presentan sus recomendaciones para una ciencia más abierta

Content available only in Spanish La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido (CERU) publica sus recomendaciones para que España avance hacia la ciencia abierta. Esta publicación recoge y amplía parte de las propuestas expuestas en el informe Por Un País Innovador elaborado por el departamento de Política Científica de CERU. Proponen, entre otros, promover Los científicos españoles en Reino Unido presentan sus recomendaciones para una ciencia más abierta

La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido y Fundación Banco Santander presentan la sexta edición del Premio Talento Emergente CERU

Content only available in Spanish Este año se presenta la sexta edición del Premio Talento Emergente, galardón que reconoce la trayectoria profesional de un joven investigador español trabajando en Reino Unido. Esta iniciativa de Fundación Banco Santander y CERU tiene como objetivo apoyar al talento y fomentar el compromiso de instituciones y empresas con la La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido y Fundación Banco Santander presentan la sexta edición del Premio Talento Emergente CERU

Award ceremonies for the scientific contests “Science-me a Story” and “Investigación En Foco”

The Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (SRUK/CERU) keeps its scientific outreach going despite the pandemic. A total of six stories, three in English and three in Spanish, have been awarded in the SRUK/CERU contest Science-me a Story. This initiative, thanks to the collaboration of Fundación Lilly and the support of Principia and the Award ceremonies for the scientific contests “Science-me a Story” and “Investigación En Foco”


In recent months, we have seen how important good research communication can be and how crucial it is to transfer clear and concise information to the general audience. We believe that it is important to further emphasize the purpose of our first SRUK/CERU Photography Competition.  For this reason, we will be showing the broader audience INVESTIGACIÓN EN FOCO – I SRUK/CERU PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION – AWARDS CEREMONY


In recent months, we have seen how important good research communication can be and how crucial it is to transfer clear and concise information to the general audience. We believe that it is important to further emphasize the purpose of our first SRUK/CERU Photography Competition.  For this reason, we will be showing the broader audience INVESTIGACIÓN EN FOCO – I SRUK/CERU PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION

Heriot-Watt researcher, Susana García López, wins the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award 2020

Banco Santander Foundation sponsors the 5th edition of the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award 2020, awarded to the Spanish researcher Dr Susana García López. The research carried out by Dr García López focuses on the development of science and technology for the capture of carbon dioxide in various industrial processes that contribute to the fight against Heriot-Watt researcher, Susana García López, wins the SRUK/CERU Emerging Talent Award 2020

The Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) present the report with the proposals for an innovative country

Content only available in Spanish La Sociedad de Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido (CERU), apoyada por investigadores y profesionales independientes de ambos países, ha elaborado un informe de recomendaciones que ha sido presentado esta semana tanto al Gobierno como a partidos políticos aprovechando el inicio del curso político. Las principales propuestas: aumentar la inversión en The Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom (SRUK/CERU) present the report with the proposals for an innovative country