Evolution Committee

The Evolution Committee has been created with the following objectives:

  • Connect SRUK/CERU members that work in evolution and/or are interested in topics related to this research area.
  • Promote outreach in evolution for both lay and technical audiences.
  • Organise discussion groups, mini symposia, and other scientific activities related to evolution.
  • Foster collaborations regarding topics in the field of evolution between Spain and the United Kingdom (e.g., phylogenomics, systematics, palaentology, etc.).

If you want to learn more about what we do at the Evolution Committee, collaborate with our team of volunteers to organise an activity, or join our committee… Do not hesitate to reach us at [email protected] — we are looking forward to meeting you!

Current Team Members

Our Departments

Sandra Álvarez Carretero

SRUK/CERU Treasurer and Web Manager | Co-chair of the Evolution Committee (FM) | Co-editor-in-chief of the SRUK/CERU Blog | Former director of the Press Department
Wom=n Research & Equity Committee

Marta Pina

Co-chair of the Evolution Committee (FM) | Working group in Wom=n Equity & Research Committee
Our Departments

Pablo Muñoz Rodríguez

SRUK/CERU Ambassador in Spain| Co-chair of the Evolution Committee (FM)

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As soon as we have our first activities ready, we will announce them both on this website and our social media. Do not forget to follow us!