Teresa Rayón

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Francis Crick Institute in London. I am an experimental biologist and my research focuses on stem cells and embryonic development. In 2014 I got my doctorate in sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid with the thesis titled “Understanding the first lineage choice in the embryo: Regulation of Cdx2 in the blastocyst through the Notch and Hippo pathways”; under the direction of Miguel Manzanares at the CNIC. I joined James Briscoe’s lab in January 2016 as an EMBO post-doctoral fellow to study the temporal control in motor neuron formation, since although the process is the same in all models of mammals investigated, the generation time varies between species. I joined the SRUK/CERU when I arrived in the UK and I collaborate with the press office, in the radio program ‘En Fase Experimental’. Nothing is as exciting as the result of an experiment to me. Part of the appeal in experiments lies in the finding of unexpected results, because these are the key to paradigm shifts. By collaborating in the radio, a media that I adore, I would like to be able to transmit to society both the emotion of the experiment and its fruits.