Lorena Escudero Sánchez

Working group in Wom=n Equity & Research Committee

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

Dr Lorena Escudero Sánchez is a particle physicist, with a PhD in neutrino physics, who has worked in major large international collaborations for the neutrino oscillation experiments T2K (Japan), MicroBooNE (US) and DUNE (US). She works at the University of Cambridge as a Senior Research Associate, and since 2019 her research is focused on AI applications to radiological image analysis for cancer research at the Department of Radiology and CRUK Cambridge Centre. She is also part of the Repository team of the National Cancer Imaging Translational Award (NCITA) consortium across different UK institutions. She leads the Radiogenomics and Quantitative Image Analysis group in the Department of Radiology and she is also a Turing Fellow of The Alan Turing Institute, a Borysiewicz Interdisciplinary Fellow of the University of Cambridge, and a Bye-Fellow of Queens’ College Cambridge. And, aside, she is an internationally published author of microfiction.