Rocío Gaudioso

Former SRUK/CERU President | Member of the Science Policy Department

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

After finishing my undergraduate studies (Biotechnology) at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Spain) I embarked on a PhD at the University of Leeds to study whether cell-to-cell communication plays a role in the establishment of symbiotic interaction in legumes (spoiler: it plays a role). Soon after starting my PhD I realised that, although I think that science is great, I am not so fond of research! I now work in Science Strategy and Policy, specialising in Frontier Bioscience and the science that happens at the Bio/Physics interface. I got involved with SRUK/CERU as Secretary in 2016, then Vice-president and ultimately President. If you want to chat about anything related (but not limited) to science policy, funding policies and strategy, scientific diasporas, strategic planning, SRUK/CERU activities and prospective collaborations please do get in touch