Irene Echeverria Altuna

Former President of SRUK/CERU

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

Irene Echeverria Altuna moved to London to study a BSc in Neuroscience at University College London (UCL) in 2014. During her time at UCL, she carried out a research project on chronic pain under Prof Steve Hunt’s supervision. In 2017, she was awarded the la Caixa fellowship for postgraduate studies to study the Dual Master in Brain and Mind Sciences, offered by UCL, École Normale Supérieure (ENS) and Sorbonne Université. During her Master, she researched the sleeping brain under the supervision of Dr Dan Bendor (UCL) and Dr. Sid Kouider (ENS).

Since September 2019, she lives in Oxford, where she has joined the Wellcome Trust MSc + DPhil programme in Neuroscience. She is carrying out her PhD research under the supervision of Prof. Kia Nobre in the Brain and Cognition Lab. She investigates how our brain makes sense of temporal regularities in the environment.

Irene joined SRUK/CERU in 2015, as part of London Constituency’s working group. She has also worked alongside with SIEF (Sociedad de Investigadores Españoles en Francia) in Paris and is now part of the Oxford working group. Besides neuroscience, she enjoys science communication.