Eva García Alegría

Former co-organiser of Science-me a Story

Involvement in SRUK/CERU

Eva García Alegría is a senior scientist at Adaptimmune with more than 10 years of experience as postdoctoral researcher in stem cells. She has been part of the SRUK Northwest constituency teamwork group, being involved in the organisation of different events with the aim of bringing science closer to the public. She became an active member of the Science-me a story initiative because it combines two of her passions, science and children. Being a scientist mum who talks about her work through stories has become a daily event in her life and being able to help others to communicate science to children in their own style makes this initiative unique. She feels really glad to have the opportunity to read so many wonderful stories during these editions and the growing interest for the public has given her the wings to continue. She is a pro at recruiting judges!