In celebration of SRUK’s X anniversary, the Oxford Constituency has organised a mini-symposium about Covid-19 which will take place on Saturday, 14th May, in Oxford. This event will bring together leading experts encompassing several aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic to search for a deeper understanding of the latter. We aim to create a discussion about the beginning of the pandemic, the journey that we have been through these past couple of years, and the future perspectives of our relationship with Covid-19. With this aim, we will offer several sessions led by experts in the different topics and chairs who will guide interactive conversations with the audience. See the programme below. Lunch and coffee will be provided!
Reception, Coffee and Welcome (9.30 – 10.30)
Session 1. Coronavirus biology (10.30 – 12.00)
Isabel Sola – Molecular basis for replication and virulence
Nerea Irigoyen – Universal targets for antiviral treatment
Session 2. Covid-19 the disease and epidemic (12.00 – 13.30)
Jeremy Brown – A clinician/scientist view of the UCI wards
Steve Rees – Moonshot to 1 million tests
Lunch and Coffee Break (13.30 – 14.30)
Session 3. The vaccine (14.00 – 15.30)
Luis Enjuanes – A nasal vaccine for the future
Session 4. Covid-19 and the brain (15.30 – 17.00)
Kyle Pattinson – Covid-19 and nervous system
Maxime Taquet – Psychiatric effects of Covid-19
Closure (17.00 – 17.30)
A number of microgrants are available to cover part of the travel expenses of SRUK members attending our mini-symposium. To obtain a microgrant, SRUK members should send an email to [email protected] with a question for the panel or a short text answering why you would like to attend this event (maximum length: 200 words) by Friday, 6th May 2022.
The amount of the microgrants will be as follows and will depend on the members’ constituency:
London: £25, South West: £40, Cambridge: £40, Midlands: £40, Yorkshire: £60, North West: £60, North East: £85, Scotland: £85, Northern Ireland: £60
This event is sponsored by FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología), Fundación Ramón Areces, the OCSA (Office for Cultural & Scientific Affairs, Embassy of Spain) and the Biochemical Society.
See below a map indicating the location of venue.