Eduardo Oliver

Embajador de CERU en España

Participación en CERU

Eduardo Oliver received his PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Valencia. In 2010 he started working as a postdoctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London where he investigated on the search for new therapeutic targets on pulmonary hypertension. Thanks to his work, in 2016 receives the Young Investigator Award of the European Federation of Pharmacology (EPHAR). Currently, Eduardo is a researcher at the Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Madrid thanks to a Research Fellow from the COFUND Marie Sklodwska-Curie actions. Eduardo is also an external professor of the Master’s Degree on Research and Rational Use of Medicines at the University of Valencia since 2013.
During the six years living in the UK, Eduardo played a significant role in the conception and development of SRUK/CERU. He is a founding member and since its formal foundation in 2012, he has been part of the board of directors and various committees, some of which he has launched. He was President between 2015-2016, year in which numerous initiatives were developed. He is also one of the components of the Science Policy committee that developed and presented the Report of Recommendations on R&D in Spain for the General Elections of 2015, he has participated in public debates and written opinion articles in the press about science policy and diplomacy.