Puesto Disponible: Head of Public Engagement and Outreach Department

Fecha límite para solicitudes: Jueves 25/Aug/2022 a 23:00 .


Fecha límite para solicitudes: Jueves 25/Aug/2022 a 23:00 .

We are looking for the new Head of our Public Engagement and Outreach Department. Contribute to run our Society while you gain new skills and generate a positive impact!

Main duties:

  • To oversee and represent at the Executive Committee meetings the SRUK committees related to public engagement and outreach (i.e. Science-me a story, Cancer, EnFoco, and any other related committees that might be formed later within the same scope).
  • To be the single point of contact with the committees adhered to this department and to act as liaison between them and the Board of Directors.
  • To coordinate all SRUK outreach activities (e.g. Jornadas Culturales at the Instituto VCB, Science Zone at the International Symposium, etc.).

Secondary duties:

  • To define strategies and propose general guidelines to increase the impact of SRUK activities, specially those adhered to the committees in this department.
  • To use current resources and material created by SRUK in new and innovative ways, engaging with the general public and proposing the creation of new committees, if necessary. 
  • To coordinate the promotion on social media and the design of promotion material for outreach initiatives following the guidelines of the SRUK Communications Department and the SRUK Design Committee.

If you think you could be a good fit, send us your brief bio and statement of purpose (300 words max. each) to the following e-mail address: [email protected] by 25th August 2022.


Fecha límite para solicitudes: Jueves 25/Aug/2022 a 23:00 .

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